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Continuation of our Online Service in June

In our last update on 15 May 2021, we decided that to maintain the safety and well-being of our members, we would continue with online services since community cases were still high.

Thankfully, by the grace of God and the hard work of our front-liners, community cases have fallen significantly since.

In their latest advisory, the Multi-Ministry Task Force issued further guidelines to slowly ease some of the current restrictions and take our nation to Phase 3 Heightened Alert, with effect from June 14.

In the meantime, Generations will keep to online service at 1.30pm on Saturday via our website.

We look forward to resuming our on-site services starting July, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Please stay connected through your cell fam and tune in weekly to our online services.

We can’t wait to see you all again in-person. Let’s continue to do our part in keeping our community and nation safe! Standing with you.

Generations Youth Ministry

Cornerstone Community Church


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